(Das 18h à 00h – Segunda a Sábado)
(From 18hs to 00h – Monday to Saturday)
Shitake | Shimeji
(Cogumelo refogado com manteiga e molho shoyu)
(Sauteed mushroom with butter and shoyu sauce)
Harumaki de camarão com catupiry ( 2 uni)
(Enrolado de massa com recheio de camarão e catupiry)
(Rolled up dough with shrimp and catupiry filling)
Harumaki tradiconal (2 uni)
(Enrolado de massa com recheio de legumes e frango)
(Rolled roll with vegetable and chicken filling)
Guiosa de salmão (2 uni)
(Pastel de salmão e legumes)
(Salmon and vegetable pie)
(Salada de pepino no molho agridoce)
(Cucumber salad in sweet and sour sauce)
Todas as especialidades são com 12 fatias
All specialties are with 12 slices
Slices Marinado Deckeria
(Carpaccio de peixe cru com molho á base de limão, gengibre e shoyu)
(Carpaccio of raw fish with lemon, ginger and soy sauce)
Slices Marinado trufado
(Carpaccio de salmão ou atum selados regado com limão, azeite trufado)
(Seared salmon or tuna carpaccio drizzled with lemon, truffled olive oil)
Tartar de salmão com avocado
Salmon Tartar with Avocado
Salmão Joy ( 12 uni)
Joy Salmon
Carpaccio de salmão 12 fatias
salmon carpaccio 12 slices
Roasted de salmão | roasted salmon
Semi grelhado com molho tarê (10 fatias)
Semi grilled with tarê sauce (10 slices)
Roasted de atum | roasted tuna
Semi grelhado com molho tarê
Semi grilled with tarê sauce
Sashimi Spicy
Salmão ou atum com gergelim e molho picante (10 fatias)
Salmon or tuna with sesame and hot sauce (10 slices)
Polvo | octopus
(6 fatias)
(6 slices)
Atum | tuna
(6 fatias )
(6 slices)
Salmão | salmon
(6 Fatias)
(6 slices)
Peixe Branco | white fish
(6 Fatias)
(6 slices)